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Gender equality is a fundamental value of the European Union and is one of the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs). Gender equality in research and learning ensures that R&I systems support democratic and equal societies.

Using a process of structural change, the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) is a collection of commitments and initiatives that aims to advance gender equality in an organization. In order to counteract and lessen gender imbalances and inequalities, this policy instrument seeks to sustainably modify organizational processes, cultures, and structures within the research and innovation (R & I) sector.

In line with fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms  laid down in the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, where any discrimination based on sex, race, skin color, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion, world view, political or other views, belonging to a national minority, property status, birth, disability, age, or other personal or social circumstances shall be prohibited[1], the Scientific and Production Center “Armbiotechnology” of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (hereinafter  SPC “Armbiotechnology” NAS RA) acknowledges that it is an inclusive and socially responsible institution that upholds and advocates for fair and anti-discriminatory practices, particularly in relation to age, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, nationality, disability, and religion or belief.

SPC “Armbiotechnology” NAS RA has previously approved, set and implemented the principles of gender equality in line with Armenia’s legislative frameworks in support of ensuring gender equality.

The Law on Guaranteeing Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men.

The Prime Ministerial Decree on the Council Ensuring Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities for Women and Men is an important measure to ensure the Council is given greater authority and greater clarity to its role as a core mechanism to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women.

The Law on prevention of violence within the family, protection of victims of violence within the family and restoration of peace in the family which ensures preventive and protective mechanisms for the victims of Domestic Violence, as well as it guarantees the social assistance.



Family Code and Law on Civil Status Acts ensures the same legal age of marriage for both women and men.

The Law on reproductive health and reproductive rights of the person is relatively strong in support of women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention)

Furthermore, SPC “Armbiotechnology” NAS RA endorses the strategic objectives set out in the European Commission’s European Strategy for Gender Equality 2020-2025 and considers gender equality measures as a key to end gender-based violence, to avoid gender stereotypes, to eliminate sex discrimination and gender pay gaps and to achieve gender balance in decision-making and top positions.


The current GEP was developed based on preliminary analysis and includes specific measures and activities related to gender equality issues which were not addressed at SPC “Armbiotechnology” NAS RA before. The GEP reflects a strong commitment to the overall development, promotion, and defense of the dignity of all organization members and intends to advance, enhance, and secure gender equality by integrating the gender component into institutional strategy, so that different needs of women and men are recognized and valued as equal.


To provide independent and coherent implementation of the GEP SPC “Armbiotechnology” NAS RA has allocated human and financial resources to establish Gender Equality Committee (GEC) headed by Equality Officer and consisting of Gender Equality Teams in charge of promotion, implementation and monitoring of GEP.


To ensure appropriate representation of all staff members and employees GEC is composed of a balanced group involving men and women covering academic, administrative and technical staff including one representative from each of the administrative departments: Human resources, Accounting and International Relations, and the Library. Representative of the Scientific Council and 018 Specialized Council on Biotechnology, and one representative per each research unit: Microbial Depository Center, Institute of Microbiology and Institute of Biotechnology. The GEC also includes representatives form production unit and technical staff.


Content of the GEP includes the following points:


1.     Preliminary gender equality analysis and conclusions

2.     Outlined objectives based on results of the gender equality analysis

3.     Action Plan

4.     Monitoring and evaluation

5.     Timeline

6.     Dissemination

1.         Gender Equality Analysis and Main Conclusions


The preliminary analysis showed that the gender equality at SPC “Armbiotechnology” NAS RA has a good picture.


This assessment was done base on:

·      Research on national legal framework

·      Gender disaggregated data collection across all staff categories

·      Wages

·      Anonymous surveys among staff and employees


Positive aspects:

·      The overall distribution of staff by gender - the majority are women (72%)

·      The distribution of administrative staff by gender - the majority are women (68%)

·      The distribution of R&I staff by gender - the majority are women (74%)

·      No gender wage pay gaps

·      No workload disparity

·      Men and women are treated equally within the organization

·      Special attention to women and solemn celebration of holidays related to women (International Women’s Day, 8 March and Motherhood and Beauty Day, 7 April)



Main aspects that need to be addressed:

·      Low awareness on gender dimension and gender equality measures

·      Parental leave policies and flexible worktime arrangements

·      No established principles and methodology on gender equality in recruitment and career progression

·      Procedures and instruments to treat gender-based violence

2. Outlined objectives based on results of the gender equality analysis


Based on results of preliminary analysis and the identified points that need intervention, the following main objects of the GEP have been set:

OB1:  To raise awareness of staff and decision-makers on gender equality and unconscious gender biases.

OB2: To ensure that the need to balance professional, family and personal life is considered for all workers.

OB3: Guarantee the principle of equality and non­discrimination between women and men in recruitment and career progression

OB4: To prevent and combat gender-based violence and sexual harassment at work


3.        GEP Action Plan


In line with the conclusions of the preliminary analysis and the set objectives the GEP Action Plan is structured around 4 areas:

1.     Awareness Raising & Training

2.     Work-Life Balance and Organizational Culture

3.     Gender Equality in Recruitment and Career Progression

4.     Measures against Gender-Based Violence, including Sexual Harassment


1.  Awareness Raising & Training

Measures will be taken to raise awareness of staff and decision-makers on gender equality and unconscious gender biases. Awareness raising events and trainings, including unconscious bias training for HR managers and gender-based violence awareness raising event, will be organized for the staff and GEC members, whenever possible with involvement of trainers from Gender Equality Academy.


2. Work-Life Balance and Organizational Culture

Actions will be taken to ensure that the need to balance professional, family and personal life is considered for all workers.


An internal procedure will be developed to provide for flexible working arrangement especially for workers with family responsibilities, including men taking care after their children.

Organization of combined model of office –based and remote working will be considered.


3. Gender Equality in Recruitment and Career Progression

In order to guarantee the principle of equality and non-­discrimination between women and men in recruitment and career progression gender-neutral recruitment, inclusive language for job vacancies, fair evaluation for employees will be promoted, open and transparent recruitment and selection procedure will be established to, following the European Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

Training on unconscious bias will be organized for HR managers.


4. Measures against Gender-Based Violence, including Sexual Harassment

To prevent and combat gender- based violence and sexual harassment at work a procedure for confidential reporting on cases of discrimination or harassment of any kind will be established.


Gender-based violence awareness raising event will be organized for the staff and employees.


    4.  Monitoring and evaluation


The Gender Equality Committee will be in charge of periodical monitoring, reporting and assessment of the GEP implementation.  GEC will allocate 2 groups of HR one will be  in charge of collection  of  disaggregated data on gender of staff and employees, as well as publication and communication of the evaluation results and the other one will be in charge of evaluation of the GEP implementation and progress based on monitoring and provide annual reporting.

The following quantitative indicators will be used to collect the data:

  1. Numbers of staff by gender at all levels, including administrative and technical staff
  2. Numbers of women and men in academic and administrative decision-making positions
  3. Number of staff by gender taking parental leave, for how long they took leave and how many returned after taking the leave
  4. Numbers of absence days taken by women and by men differentiated, by absence motive
  5. Shares of women and men among applicants to research positions, among people recruited and success rate
  6. Number of staff (women and men) participating in awareness raising events and trainings
  7. Number of reported cases on discrimination or sexual harassment

  5.         Timeline


The GEP was adopted in the beginning of 2023 for the period of 2 years (2023-2025). GEP is dynamic, and is subject to change, the new GEP will be designed based on the analysis of the implementation and progress evaluation of the current GEP.






Start/end date


Awareness Raising & Training


OB1: Raise awareness of staff and decision-makers on gender equality and unconscious gender biases.

1.1    Awareness raising events on gender equality for staff and decision makers

1.2    Capacity-building training on gender equality measures for GEC


Awareness raising events and trainings, including unconscious bias training for HR managers, Gender-based violence awareness raising event,  will be organized for the staff  and GEC members whenever possible with invited trainers from Gender Equality Academy 



Work-Life Balance and Organizational Culture


OB2: To ensure that the need to balance professional, family and personal life is considered for all workers.


2․1 To provide for flexible worktime arrangements


2.2 Organization of remote working hours


An internal procedure will be developed to provide for flexible working arrangement especially for workers with family responsibilities, including men taking care after their children.

Organization of combined model of office –based and remote working.



Gender Equality in Recruitment and Career Progression


OB3: Guarantee the principle of equality and non­discrimination between women and men in recruitment and career progression

3.1 Promote gender-neutral recruitment

3.2 Establish open and transparent

recruitment and selection procedure

3.3 Unconscious bias training (Area 1, OB1)


Promote gender-neutral recruitment, inclusive language for job vacancies, fair evaluation for employees, following the European Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.





Measures against Gender-Based Violence, including Sexual Harassment


OB4: To prevent and combat gender- based violence and sexual harassment at work

4.1 Establish a procedure for filing complaints on gender-based violence and sexual harassment

4.2  Gender-based violence awareness raising event (Area 1, OB1)

Establishment of procedure for confidential reporting on cases of discrimination or harassment of any kind




























